Please report set nets in the Tāmaki Estuary

I made this sign to help the Tāmaki Estuary Protection Society enforce the set net ban. I am uploading it here so that the map in particular is easily found on the internet.

Set nets are banned in the Tāmaki Estuary. Set nets indiscriminately catch non- target fish species; birds and mammals. There has been a recent increase in illegal set netting in the Tāmaki Estuary, please help protect our fisheries and other wildlife.

If you see a set net within the banned area:

  • Please urgently contact 0800 4 POACHER (0800 47 6224)
  • Please report the set net location details and any vehicle license plate. Photos and details can be emailed to

Your kaitiakitanga will be appreciated by generations to come, kia kaha!

Here is the link to a PDF of the sign.