Uploading this graphic here which people are finding useful. It’s based on my observations diving on Aotea / Great Barrer Island.
Healthier waterways graphics
I made these graphics for Auckland Council to show people how to make healthier and more resilient waterways. It’s awesome to see informed leadership on attitudes to rural and urban land use.
Turtles of Aotearoa
After finding a green sea turtle in Devonport and reading about leatherback sea turtle bycatch I decided to do some research on what was going on with turtles in New Zealand. I made a graphic summary.
Big thanks to Clinton Duffy for the review.
Changes in reporting for inshore fishing boats with cameras
There is some confusion about the change in these numbers because of the way the data was reported. I made this graphic to also clear up that as of April 2024 there is no data that has been made public from the on-board cameras for commercial fishing vessels programme.
Data sources: Overview of the rollout of on-board cameras on commercial fishing vessels February 2024 Update at 1 April 2024: Progress on the rollout
New Zealand’s dairy industry
Environmental reports and main stream media are often critical of different aspects of the New Zealand dairy industry. Here I summarise them together in one graphic. View at higher resolution by clicking on the image below.
References – resources for further reading on the impacts of New Zealand’s dairy industry.
- Blood phosphate from occupied Western Sahara
- Urea (synthetic fertiliser) made from fossil fuels
- Up to 11,000 L of water to make 1 L of milk
- Industrial irrigation
- 2 million calves removed from mothers and killed every year
- Palm kernel replaces wildlife habitat overseas
- Winter grazing (mud farming)
- Methane burps
- Climate heating
- 65% of milk dried with fossil fuels. Math: In 2022 95% of dairy exported, 68.24% was milk powder. Milk powder is dried using coal, natural gas and a small amount of diesel or liquid fuel. There is a tiny amount of geothermal used, the industry is investing in wood pellet fired boilers.
- Turned into junk food overseas. Nestlé is Fonterra’s largest customer. I recommend you do your own research into products which use milk powder as an ingredient and decide if they fit your definition of junk food or not.
- Nitrogen increases bowel cancer in New Zealanders
- Cow sewage & fertiliser cause algal blooms which kill animals
- 60% of NZ rivers not swimmable
Graphics from the Impacts of seabed disturbance in the Waikato region
High res graphics from the Impacts of seabed disturbance in the Waikato region report produced by Coast & Catchment. Please see the full report for context and reference the report if citing a source.
Graphics from the State of Our Gulf 2023
High res graphics from the State of Our Gulf 2023 so everyone can access them. Please see the full report for context and reference the report if citing a source.
Seaweek fanart
More experiments with AI generated art. I used multiple tools all built on Stable Diffusion, however I am still refining everything in Procreate and compositing with Photoshop.
Bottom trawling graphics
I recently took part in a science led process to limit the impacts of bottom trawling & Danish seining in the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park. I found the narrow scope of the work quite frustrating. The fishing industry knows it has a social license issue with bottom trawling and made a video to address it. The cartoons don’t tackle key concerns with the fishing method. I have made some graphics to point out the key issues focusing on the smaller (<20m) bottom trawlers that scrape the seafloor of the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park.
Bottom trawling is a problem for much of New Zealand’s EEZ and beyond. Feel free to download and use the graphics, let me know if you want them at a higher resolution.
Please sign this petition.
My op-ed on bottom trawling in the Gulf published in Newsroom
Freshwater restoration graphics for Auckland Council
I really enjoyed working on these graphics which Auckland Council used for the exhibition stand at Fieldays 2022. They show the diversity benefits of riparian planting, whats best to plant, and the landscape scale benefits of planting. I learnt a lot while working on them, particularly the hidden values of tree roots.