Shore Plover on the road

Mostly just stuff I am doing to help the planet
Awesome day building a shell habitat for Fairy Terns in the Kaipara.
Also made some signs
My son and I were taking photos on the Whau river for an upcoming business pollution prevention campaign, when we found 5 dead ducks, 1 dead Pukeko and this one partially paralysed duck. I called the councils hotline (09 377 310) and they sent someone out straight away, the scientist thinks it’s Avian Botulism. It looks like Pukeko can be affected (NZ Herald Link). So the only things that don’t match are that (as you can see in this photo) the ducks legs were paralysed and it could move its head just fine. Also the water is moving, tho maybe it’s stagnant further upstream. Case #14/0954
UPDATE: Water barely moving upstream (Olympic park).
Nitrogen leaching is a serious problem for NZ waterways. The main contributor is cow urine.
There are lots of best practise management techniques partially employed around the country to manage the problem. Everything from fencing and effluent storage/reapplication to using nitrogen inhibitors. However its clearly hard work & expensive which is why the Govt recently threw $130M at the problem.
The ‘patch’ does not have the capacity to process all the nitrogen in the urine. However a paddock could have the capacity if the urine was:
A). Spread over an even area. Note in this storage/ mechanical re-application trial although they achieved a 50% leaching reduction the application intensity had a negative impact on pasture production. Reducing intensity increases mechanical re-application costs.
B). Regularly in small amounts.
If cows had smaller bladders they would spread the load more evenly and the pasture system could process more urine/nitrogen. (To a lesser extent walking whilst urinating would also help).
A).This may increase nitrogen oxide levels, a serious greenhouse gas.
B). The health of the cow (cystitis).
Start selectively breeding or genetically engineering cows with a small bladder. (Takes too long but is the best long-term solution)
Surgically reduce the size cows bladders. (Too expensive) But what about fitting a catheter? Bypassing the sphincter muscles.
If you fill the cows bladder with something to reduce its size the bladder might just expand, the muscle we want to control is the sphincter. So how do you make the cow want to pee all the time? Farmers might have ideas but apparently you can do it by rubbing! Maybe a solar powered gadget that emitts an electric impulse to stimulate the cow?
A disperser, is doubling the size of the patch enough?
UPDATE: Just listened to Keith Betteridge & Des Costall on Radio NZ.
They are gathering data on the volume and concentration (nitrogen) of events. Facts from the show:
Check the cows out wearing hi-tech gear here.
An interesting idea mentioned on the show. Adding salt to the cows diet would increase water consumption and dilute the N. Most water on farms is used for irrigation so in theory this would just be a small divergence in delivery. I guess the effects soil and milk salinisation need to be tested.
After reading a lot of awesome research by Keith Betteridge on the subject, there is one major factor I had not considered. Cows pee in the night! Also the early morning urinations are particularly high in N. Keith refers to the cow campsites as Critical Source Areas (CSAs).
If I was reprogramming cows I would tell them “If walking then pee a little bit”. That would move events away from CSAs. However it would involve them having to get up in the night for a stroll quite a bit. The cow could be fitted with a dielectric elastomer so when the cow walked a small current was sent to a medically inserted stent which would force its urinary sphincter open so it leaked. However the cow would still be able to control its bladder the rest of the time, this is important so that it does not rupture its bladder in the night. The alternative means the cow leaks in its sleep which will not dilute the CSAs.
I found this old thing on my hard-drive. Might help me get focused.
I think the obvious answer is a wetland because those environments were hardest hit buy farmers. Tho interestingly I do not know much about threatened wetland species. Our rivers and shorelines face a lot of commercial & recreational pressure. A wetland also sits at an interesting intersection:
It would be magic if I could fill all three buckets with one hose.
After a great start at Point England I have ended the season with nothing fledged. The Dots have now left the paddock as the grass has grown too long, the farmer says he was understocked.
So what happened to the chicks? I have never seen any cats and I have looked for them at night and with the camera trap. I got to the point where dog owners are policing other dog owners about staying out of the paddock so pretty safe there. When an OSNZ member came by the paddock to do the count she saw Pukeko attack and kill a Dotterel chick. In an effort to record this behaviour I tried making a decoy.
A Black Back Seagull circled it but it did not land.
UPDATE: Second attempt with crouching dot and upgraded makeup… also failed. Maybe they are less aggressive when not breeding.
These guys found a lot of bio-diversity in the muck http://www.globaldive.net/orakei-pier-auckland/ I look forward to doing a similar dive when I am more experienced.
Pretty proud to be helping with this project. A little bit of coms strategy and photography but mostly branding, visualisation and web work so far.