How many seal pups are (evidently) starving to death in the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park?

Let’s start recording deaths, here is a map of how many seal pups have died so far in 2021. Please help by recording any seal observations on iNaturalist, or you can email me photos

Wouldn’t it be great if the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park was a place kekeno / fur seal pups could come and thrive in.

Update 6 Oct 2021. The Department of Conservation have offered to help with identification. Here are some tips for taking photos: Please take the main photo straight down from above, with a foot for scale, and possibly some close ups of head and flippers (flipper length is often what we use to tell a pup of the year from a yearling).

Update 8 Oct 2021. Newsroom does a good article on the survey

Update 11 Oct 2021. Kennedy Warne discusses the survey on Radio NZ

Update 26 Dec 2021. Survey of NZ Fur Seals (including live animals) in Northland / HGMP initiated by Otago University student. Details here.

Living with sewage

Like many Aucklanders I am sick of having my beach closed to swimming due to ‘stormwater overflows’ which is a nice way of saying ‘human poo has gone into the ocean’. Here is a graphic I made for the 2020 State of our Gulf report to explain how it happens.

Yesterday I found a manhole that had overflowed next to the Tāmaki Estuary with fragments of toilet tissue all over the public pathway. I logged the fault with Watercare (reference number of this is SR 4943060) and a contractor visited the site after dark. The verbal report I received to the public health hazard was very cavalier, I was told it would not happen again. I have asked for a written report.

UPDATE 25 Sept 2021: The Chair of the Tāmaki Estuary Protection Society has sent me this map which shows that Watercare do not consider the manhole a ‘significant overflow point’ for sewerage during heavy rain.

UPDATE 26 Sept 2021: Watercare have been very responsive, they would not give me a written report but confirmed that in the short-term there is nothing they can do to stop raw sewage from overflowing into the nature reserve / public path after heavy rain events. They said biohazards in Auckland were ‘a common problem during heavy rain’. I am appalled at their low hygiene standards. We will monitor the manhole and Watercare have offered to escalate the issue if it is ongoing.

UPDATE 28 Sept 2021: After another complaint Watercare have offered to fill holes and check for blockages Ref SR 4960390.

UPDATE 28 Oct 2021: The Watercare officer lied to me. New reference number: WEB1065983. Fault reference number SR 5172998.

A nearby manhole next to a children’s playground that also overflowed.

UPDATE 30 Oct 2021: I received a text message saying the fault has been resolved. I called to see what has been done. They explained they have added lime to to disinfect the grass, there is no blockage, and that it will probably happen again next time it rains. I can see why people dont report sewage overflows when nothing is done to fix them.

Auckland City has the terrible hygiene standards.

UPDATE 4 Nov 2021: The issue has been escalated by Councillor Josephine Bartley (it’s a good idea to loop your Councillor into difficult conversations with council staff). They have identified three actions which might address the issue. I have asked them to tell me:

  • When the pipe is relined
  • When the first flush event to clear blockages occurs
  • When any of the infrastructure upgrades come online

I have also asked that Council not approve any consents that would increase stormwater or wastewater pressure on the failing infrastructure until the issue is resolved.

UPDATE 21 Mar 2022: Still failing. It’s interesting how you can smell that the manholes have popped before you see them.

North of the footbridge near Fernwood Place Playground
South of the footbridge near Fernwood Place Playground
The reserve between Silverton Ave and the Estuary

UPDATE 5 April 2022: Watercare have replied with a list of actions.

Pipeline RelineThe pipe reline is currently under review, as more investigation is required to help us pull together a package of work in Wai O Taiki Bay to reduce infiltration of stormwater into the wastewater system (through pipe joints, cracks in manholes etc). This will take some time to put together and then implement (potentially a year).
Flushing eventWe have put this part of the network on a routine flushing programme which will allow the pipe to operate at maximum flow (by flushing out silts regularly as they build up fast due to low pipe grade). Last year showed a lot of silts in this line, which we have since cleared.
Other worksWe have done some small improvements to downstream manholes to allow flow to pass through easier.
Project worksThe work on Taniwha St is currently in progress and will all go live once our new wastewater pump station is commissioned. This is still several months away and most likely to be at the end of the year.

They are also looking at installing a sensor inside the manhole and wrote a very polite thank you email. I repeated my request to not increase pressure on the system and will continue to monitor these manholes.

Update 12 July 2022 (No change)

Fernwood Place Playground
Wai O Taiki Bay Nature Reserve
Treated with lime the next day

Update 27 January 2023 (No change)

I was not able to get down to the manholes during the last two rain events.

This attempt to glue the manhole down has failed.
No smell this time, but toilet paper visible at both manholes.

Update 1 May 2023 (No change)

I’m not reporting this event. Large areas of Auckland Councils stormwater network failed in recent storms and they will have bigger priorities for the near future.

Update 9 May 2023 (No change)

Interestingly the manhole next to this one also popped for the first time.

Update 21 Jul 2023 (No change)

Leaking toilet paper in smaller rain events
Looks like Council have not restricted development and more intensive housing will put more strain on the system
Polystyrene escaping the demolition site

Upokororo / New Zealand Grayling

We have many freshwater fish that are going extinct but only one is protected (meaning you can’t kill it without a permit). Unfortunately this fish the Upokororo / New Zealand Grayling went extinct about 100 years ago.

Many illustrators have attempted to recreate what the Upokororo looked like, some have seen the fish but not many have seen this photo taken in 1922.

I found the photo in this excellent old New Zealand Geographic article. With some help from the publisher and a friend at the National Library we tracked it down in the unpublished records of the Alexander Turnbull Library. The record states that it contains photographs of two grayling, but it’s two photographs of one grayling.

My illustration of the Upokororo is based on these two photographs, I referred to historic illustrations, photos of the related Australian grayling and some very colourful written records for colour information.

The story of the Upokororo is a powerful reminder that we need to carefully manage fish populations, especially source / sink dynamics.

Erosion in Wai O Taiki Bay

A 2016 Tonkin & Taylor report on the erosion of the banks of the Tamaki Estuary in Wai O Taki Bay suggested a 3-5 m/100 year range rate of retreat. I took some photos in 2013 so wanted to see if the prediction looked right for the last seven years.

The 2021 photo has more grass and that the failing fence is not keeping people off the closed track.
The 2021 photo has more exposed bedrock showing a loss of soil. The flax bush is now very exposed to elements and will likely die in the next few years. Soil loss is apparent adjacent to the unfinished seawall.
The 2021 photo shows how the harder substrate has changed its shape. Roosts of dead pine rotting and stumps falling down slope. Wilding pine growth.
There is an increased distance between unfinished seawall and clay bank in the 2021 photo. Loss of clay bank. Subsidence affecting stability of trees.
Since 2013 more bedrock has been exposed adding about a tonne of clay sediment to the Estuary. Wilding pines and gorse are the dominant species. An exposed root at the top of the bank indicates 20-50cm retreat.
The 2021 photo shows an increase in mangrove coverage and a reduction in flax.
Note these images are over a different time period. Omaru Island is clearly eroding (source data on GeoMaps).

My best guess would be about 30cm of loss over the seven year period suggesting the prediction to be about right.

The report suggested a ‘Do nothing’ option which was adopted by the Local Board.  The exposed banks are at least 100m long and average about 2m high. If we lost 30cm of bank over the last seven years that’s 60 cubic meters of clay and top soil. Wet excavated clay weighs 1,826 kg/m³, so more than 100 tones of life choking sediment dumped into the Tāmaki Estuary and the Hauraki Gulf (on our watch).

This report has been submitted to the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board.

Update September 2022. I was invited to present this report to the Local Board a year later. It was well received and has been recorded in their minutes.

NZ Sports Fishing Council rejects Govt action plan

In the Hauraki Gulf Forum’s agenda for August 23 (Page 177) the New Zealand Sports Fishing Council have rejected the Government’s response to Sea Change. This is a shame because although the plan is weak, short on detail and very late, it’s still the best proposal we have for slowing the decline of the Gulf.

Here are the points they make with some commentary from me. I have written them up for my own understanding. TL;DR The measurable cuts to recreational fishing were not matched by measurable cuts to commercial fishing. This is true but the lack of detail in the plan should be an opportunity for NZSFC to work with Government on scaling back commercial impacts through the development of the fisheries plan and defining the bottom impact fishing areas.

“The New Zealand Sport Fishing Council (NZSFC) rejects the Government’s Revitalising the Gulf proposal on the basis that it does not go far enough.”

‘Not going far enough’ is a poor reason to not to improve something.

“The vision and purpose of the Sea Change plan has been lost. A series of State of the Gulf reports chronicles a steady loss of abundance and diversity, and describes an emerging crisis that threatens the very functionality of the marine ecosystem within the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park.”

Agreed, the reports also show Marine Protection Areas (MPAs) are the best proven solution to minimising the impact of sports fishing.

“The Revitalising the Gulf plan is a compromised and biased proposal, an insult to all who gave so freely of their time over the years to contribute to a comprehensive plan.”

I understand how outraged they are but this is not a helpful or constructive statement.

“One of the key aspects agreed by the Sea Change contributors was that the plan was not to be cherry picked. The Revitalising the Gulf proposal does just that, thus destroying any good faith, goodwill achieved at the collaborative, negotiated and consensus driven Stakeholder Working Group process. A process that enjoyed widespread trust and support.”

I agree that the compromises made were not honoured. The very first principle is: “The Plan is developed as an integrated package to be implemented as a “whole”. Those implementing the Plan should not pick and choose between the proposed actions.” The plan was ‘non-statutory’ meaning not required or meaningful in law. This made it toothless, NZSFC’s rejection of the Government’s response is a significant failure. The Ministers decided that some commercial compromises were too high. The analysis of this is suspiciously missing from the Ministerial Advisory Committee report. The analysis needs to be better represented in future marine spatial planing processes.

“The only major aspects that made it through the officials’ vetting process is a series of ‘high protection’ areas (HPAs) lacking any ancillary management measures that would give them a chance of success. The Government would be wise to do nothing if that response is all that can be managed.”

The ancillary measures are SPAs (Seafloor Protection Areas) and a Hauraki Gulf Fisheries Management Plan (HGFMP) they know this, so it’s a weird thing to say. The proposed HPAs have been analysed and they are big enough to allow for lots of recreational fishing on the borders. The only threat to the success of the HPAs is customary take which DOC is working to define.

This entire exercise confirms that Government agencies are unable to work in concert for the benefit of the HGMP.

Not really, it would be more accurate to say that Fisheries NZ are a much stronger department with more staff and money, Fisheries NZ are “captured by industry” David Parker 2016.

“The tension between fisheries and conservation holds the Hauraki Gulf to ransom.

I don’t understand what the ransom is, but a network of Marine Protected Areas will increase abundance due to spillover. “Thirty six 30cm Tamureproduce the same amount of eggs as one 70cm Tamure.”Auckland University Research.

Fisheries giving up some areas but not any catch, which simply exacerbates the depletion and habitat loss in the remainder of the Marine Park.

I disagree, yes the HPAs will shift effort but they will increase abundance due to spill-over. The concerns around cuts to catch are valid but it would be more constructive to ask for a lower the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) in the HGFMP. Note that the HGFMP design should be ecosystems based, I would be interested in a critique of the HGFMP from an ecosystems perspective. Auckland University is well placed to do this but I imagine they will need a lot more detail that what has been published in the draft plan (page 107 of Revitalising the Gulf).

The Revitalising the Gulf plan is not about restoring the historic mauri of the HGMP or addressing future climate change.

I agree that it’s irresponsible for govt to exclude climate change from the HGFMP.

It is about clinging to fishing practices long known to destroy habitat while maintaining catches at historic levels, the same levels that have bought us to this point of depletion and degradation.

Here NZSFC are talking about commercial bottom impact fishing (trawling and dredging). Sea Change sought to phase out these destructive practices. They need to stop for the health of the Gulf to recover.

Large public investments were made in crafting a spatial plan that would reverse the decades-long trend of biodiversity loss. This investment has been squandered.

I think the plan should have been more science led. The weak decisions around commercial bottom impact fishing have dramatically lowered the impact of the plan. It’s frustrating that Government has not announced the bottom impact fishing areas so we can quantify how much has been ‘squandered’.

Sadly, the Government’s proposal is long on rhetoric, short on action and even shorter on logic. If Revitalising the Gulf proceeds, the HGMP will remain gridlocked with its governance via three Acts of Parliament and no effective management.

I think they just mean they want the fish that are currently going to commercial fisheries. I partially agree, each fish has more value when killed by a recreational fisher but it also cost more to catch both in terms of environmental impact (carbon emissions, resources mined for fancy boats, oil spilt, fish injured, etc) as well as cash spent.

“The Revitalising the Gulf plan is contrary to the clearly defined purposes of the HGMP Act, including the need to sustaining in perpetuity the life-supporting capacity of all the natural systems in the Gulf.

It would be more useful to say ‘Commercial fishing is contrary to HGMP Act purposes’. This is true, in 2015 National floated the idea of turning it into a recreational fishing park as an election bribe but then dropped the idea. Probably because lots of people, like the Hauraki Gulf Forum wanted the ecosystem to be valued above fishing. “The recreational fishing park is flawed because it’s being presented as a marine protected area when it’s not. Recreational fishing pressure is intense and, unchecked, has a major impact on environmental health.”Mayor John Tregidga, Chair, Hauraki Gulf Forum 2016.

It would be more useful if the HGMP Act had a statement like ‘Te Mana o te Wai’ that puts ecosystems first. Words like ‘sustain’ and ‘maintain’ are not useful for those seeking to increase abundance because fish populations can be legally managed at incredibly low levels.

“The Revitalising the Gulf plan is a win for industrial fishing interests and a loss for the people of the Hauraki Gulf and the marine environment.

I agree that the continuation of industrial bottom impact fishing is a big win for industry, I would love to know how they pulled that off. The government needs to be more transparent about the process and include recreational and environmental views in the discussions around bottom impact fishing areas and the development of the HGFMP. FNZ officers have told me this will not happen for dredging.

Reasons for rejecting. Our reasons for rejecting the Revitalising the Gulf plan include but are not limited to the following:

I agree with many of these points but I would not reject a plan that started eight years ago and won’t be acted for another three years. I would just start a new plan to address the remaining issues. Waikato Regional Council has started a planning process that could address their concerns.

Failure to fulfil the purposes of the HGMP Act

Yes, commercial uses are not mentioned.

Failure to remove bottom trawling and Danish seining. Failure to acknowledge the need to limit the effects of climate change by reducing the carbon emissions attributed to trawling and dredging in the Gulf.

Agreed and hot topic, Govt asleep at the wheel here.

“Failure to remove scallop dredging.”


“Failure to remove purse seining.

Agreed, the review of purse seining impacts is also missing, while the catch has dramatically increased.

Failure to create a separate Fisheries Management Area (FMA) for the Hauraki Gulf so precautionary catch limits can be applied and adjusted in a reasonable and responsible timeframe.

Officials need to better explain how they can operate a HGFMP with no FMA. It will be an area-based plan authorised under section 11A of the Fisheries Act 1996.

No attempt to address the need for improved management, of recreational fishing in the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park.

Yes a science led MPA network would really help here, along with much lower Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) and a raft of other changes suggested by NZSFC and environmental groups that have been ignored by FNZ for decades. As it stands the HGFMP is very business as usual, I would love to see NZSFC and other groups rewrite it.

Failure to take a holistic approach to marine protection, with no integrated, meaningful fisheries management changes alongside the HPAs.

Not a very specific request, I assume it’s the Rescue Fish Policy.

Failure to acknowledge the tension that will arise if Maori customary food gathering is permitted in ‘high protection areas’ while public fishing is prohibited.

I agree this is problematic, along with conflict between customary take and no-harm divers and snorkelers in HPAs.

The short sighted ‘protection at all costs’ bias that sees the far-sighted Special Management Area (SMA) concept discarded. The economy of such high value, low extraction fishing activity that currently occurs at the Mokohinau and Alderman Islands, and that would be permitted under the SMA concept, has been dismissed by officials ‘because it focuses on the management of use’.

I don’t understand this as the plan states the Government “will explore the Sea Change Plan’s Special Management Area (SMA) tool”.

There is no provision for an Economic Impact Assessment (EIA) of the Revitalising the Gulf plan.

EIAs are expensive, they did rough costs of the short term losses for the HPAs. They can’t do an EIA when they haven’t even decided where they might reduce some commercial fishing yet. A better criticism would be on the lack of plan in the plan.

There is no provision for an assessment of the social and cultural impacts of the Revitalising the Gulf plan.

This is a nice idea, I don’t know what it would look like, but could be included in the State of the Gulf reporting.

Failure to consider the effects of fishing on the marine ecosystem – While the Gulf snapper stock may be slowly rebuilding, the prospects are not good for crayfish, paua, scallops, mussels, tarakihi, John dory, gurnard, kahawai, trevally, porae and all the ‘red fish’ that have attracted so much attention recently.

Yes, these should be addressed in the HGFMP.

This post was featured on the Gulf Journal.

Nitrogen limits for New Zealand water

Nitrogen limits for drinking water

Over the last decade there has been a lot of media coverage on Nitrogen limits for New Zealand water. I have made this diagram to explain all the numbers from the perspective of a water drinking Aucklander (which I am).

Nitrogen limits for drinking water

References (Nitrate nitrogen mg/L)

The Hobson Bay shag colony 1977-1988

This 1987 article in Notornis on Aucklands largest Little shag colony (80-120 birds) is interesting as the colony slowly declined and has been lost for unknown reasons. With permission from the owner I have scanned in the authors (Michael Taylor) seven notebooks and uploaded them here for further study.

Little shag colony-Hobson Bay-Michael Taylor 1.pdf

Little shag colony-Hobson Bay-Michael Taylor 2.pdf

Little shag colony-Hobson Bay-Michael Taylor 3.pdf

Little shag colony-Hobson Bay-Michael Taylor 4.pdf

Little shag colony-Hobson Bay-Michael Taylor 5.pdf

Little shag colony-Hobson Bay-Michael Taylor 6.pdf

Little shag colony-Hobson Bay-Michael Taylor 7.pdf

A reef with more fishing gear than fish

On Friday I surveyed a reef at Shakespear Open Sanctuary on Whangaparāoa Peninsular. The tide was out at Te Haruhi Bay and I walked East towards the rocks. The beach was covered with protected shorebirds feeding in the sand and seagrass. Unfortunately the situation under the water was not so abundant with many keystone species missing.

I didn’t find any mussel beds or crayfish. This was no surprise as these species are unprotected and functionally extinct in the Gulf. But after two hours in the water with good visibility (5-6meters) I was surprised not to see a single Snapper, Leather jacket or Red moki. Not even a small one. The experience reminded me of the “empty cathedrals” metaphor used to describe our pest ridden forests which are empty of birdsong. In the marine version of this metaphor, fishers are the pests. The nearby cable zones mean that there should not be any commercial fishing in the area, there are nobody but recreational fishers to blame for the lack of fish.

It’s really disappointing that fishers have taken so much from the reef, even worse it was littered with fishing gear. I counted thirteen lead sinkers, so there must be hundreds scattered about. Lead is known to inhibit development in aquatic organisms. Plastic nylon ran through the kelp and I even found a fishing rod and makeshift Ikejime tool on the seafloor.

We need stronger regulation of recreational fishing to better manage reef environments.

Reef report here.