Absence data

Yesterday I checked about 10km of beach for kekeno / New Zealand fur seals in Mercury Bay , Coromandel including Wharekaho, Kuaotunu, Otama, Opito, Matapaua. I did not find any alive or dead. The beaches were largely empty but I did ask five locals to keep an eye out and report them as part of a study I am helping DOC with in the area. One person was aware of the study.

I noticed a few bits of fishing line washed up on the high tide line left by dirty fishers at Wharekaho / Simpsons Beach. I picked up all the bits I could find for 1km East of Stormont Lane. I counted 57 bits of rubbish, many were tangled knots of nylon which pose a danger to shorebirds who can get their toes caught in it (see photo above).

Dotterel counts for the above beaches logged on iNaturalist.nz