RAIN ONLY: Drains to Sea

Testing a new stencil design. Getting them cut on ponoko.com
Testing a new stencil design. Getting them cut on ponoko.com

Pre and post ironing
Pre and post ironing

Tried using Mylar but it curled exactly the wrong way. Ironing helped but it did warp a little.

Mylar version. Still not perfect and very hard to transport/ use (flops around in the wind).
Mylar version. Still not perfect and very hard to transport/ use (flops around in the wind).
New Hybrid design, looking fwd to testing it.
New Hybrid design, looking fwd to testing it.
A bit better, was easy to use. I have some more ideas to test. Wish I had a heavy,thin, flexible substrate.
A bit better, was easy to use. I have some more ideas to test. Wish I had a heavy,thin, flexible substrate.
Less paint, different kind (inc nossel)
Less paint, different kind (inc nossel)
Felt! Custom made at laserworks.co.nz only problem is it moves a bit with the force of the spray.
Felt! Custom made at laser works.co.nz only problem is it moves a bit with the force of the spray.
Fixed. It looks like a bad craft project but it works. I have made it smaller and I am still getting great edge fidelity. WIN!
Fixed. It looks like a bad craft project but it works. I have made it smaller and I am still getting great edge fidelity. WIN!

White Even the thinner felt works, tho not quite as well, should probably have added more washers to this one.

Here is the digital file if anyone wants to signpost their own storm water drains.

I had some feedback that the felt was too fussy (awkward to handle). I did this expedient with thin lines and I have a new stencil mantra. SKINNY  GAPS STENCIL WELL, SKINNY LINES DON'T SELL.
I had some feedback that the felt was too fussy (awkward to handle). I did this expedient with thin lines and I have a new stencil mantra. SKINNY GAPS STENCIL WELL, SKINNY LINES DON’T SELL.
Thin Lines
Stoked, this worked so well!