Dead Chick

Yay a new nest
Yay a new nest
(2 days later) 1 Dead :(
(2 days later) 1 Dead šŸ™
Off to the museum
Off to Auckland Museum
Wow look at the variety in coloration and size of these dotterel eggs
Wow look at the variety in coloration and size of these dotterel eggs


I roughly sewed abou 200 beans along the first 100 meters of Omaru creek (from Taniwha St). Will be interesting to see how many take, if so how many will the school kids eat?
I roughly sewed abou 200 beans along the first 100 meters of Omaru creek (from Taniwha St). Will be interesting to see how many take, if so how many will the school kids eat?
1% will grow and school will finish before it gets big enough! You can't  really plant beans in a forest.
1% will grow and school will finish before it gets big enough! You can’t really plant beans in a forest.

Dotterel Chick

Dotterel Chick

I now have two nests that have hatched in the paddock. This chick is 3 weeks old, locals including the Tamaki Model Airplane Club have been incredibly supportive.


DOG-EATING BIRDS. I  thought this sign might be a fun way to get dog owners to keep their dogs out of the paddock. Great feedback so far.
DANGER DOG-EATING BIRDS. I thought this sign might be a fun way to get dog owners to keep their dogs out of the paddock. Great feedback so far.

Here is the print file if anyone want to modify/ use it. I simplified the text so it’s applicable to more situations. I have also deployed these in Albany.


I need to keep dogs out of the Pt England reserve. I have spent hours fixing up the fences and I need to put springs on the gates.
I need to keep dogs out of the Pt England reserve. I have spent hours fixing up the fences and I need to put springs on the gates.


I can not believe the Dotterel are nesting in the grass at Pt England. I found two nests that I need to get fenced ASAP to stop the cattle from trampling on them.
I can not believe the Dotterel are nesting in the grass at Pt England. I found two nests that I need to get fenced ASAP to stop the cattle from trampling on them.
I dont need to look after these one tho. Pukekos defend their nests and young vigorously, they also lay communally so these are cousins, not brothers and sisters.
I dont need to look after these one tho. Pukekos defend their nests and young vigorously, they also lay communally so these are cousins, not brothers and sisters.
Fence up! 10m Diameter, Waratahs, 5 Wire,
Fence up! 10m Diameter, Waratahs, 5 Wire,