Exotic Caulpera surveys

Logging where and when I have been looking for the exotic Caulerpa species that have been recently introduced to Aoteroa New Zealand.

28 June, Low tide walking, 2hrs. This seagrass meadow near the Half Moon Bay Marina is vulnerable. Good coverage but a drone would be more effective. Checked the high tide line on my return.
11 July, High tide scuba /snorkel 2hrs. This bay is north east of the Kawau Bay incursion. Dive report here.
12 July, Low tide walking, 2hrs. This bay is north of the Kawau Bay incursion. Very calm and I could see a few meters under the water. Checked the high tide line on my return.
25 July. High tide walking 2hrs. Beach cast seaweed on high tide line checked.
26 July. Low & Mid tide walking. Beach cast seaweed on high tide line checked.
26 July. High tide walking. Beach cast seaweed on high tide line checked. This marina is a vector.
23 August, High tide scuba for 30 minutes around rock (swimming fast). Free dived at two other locations in the bay. This bay is north east of the Kawau Bay incursion