I spent a few days going through the 7,550 submissions on protections proposed by Revitalising the Gulf. I’m estimating 77%-90% of the submissions were positive about the protection proposals. However huge numbers concerned about the continuation of bottom impact fishing outside the protected areas and cultural take inside them. So there is a general need for more protection. This level of public support for marine protection can be expected and can be seen in Polling from the Hauraki Gulf Form, Submissions on the recent Waiheke Marine Reserve Proposal and the Live Ocean Barometer 2023.
Most of the names were redacted from the submissions but the organisation names were left public. Here are the names of the organisations that made significant submissions.
Legasea 2xs Charters / Balmain Boating Services Alan Seasprite Charters CRA 2 Rock Lobster Management Co Dr Hook Charters Fisheries Inshore NZ Kina Industry Council Mercury Bay Game Fishing Club NZ Rock Lobster Industry Council New Zealand Charter Boat Association New Zealand Sport Fishing Council Paua Industry Council Princess Carol Charters Provider Adventures Ltd Sea Urchin NZ Ltd Seahawk Fishing Charters Slipper Island Residents Association Snap Attack Specialty & Emerging Fisheries Group Tairua Adventures Ltd / Artisan Fishing Co Te Ohu Kaimoana Te Ra Charters The New Zealand Angling & Casting Association Whitianga / Coromandel Peninsula Commercial Fisherman’s Association |
Aldermen Islands Marine Reserve Group Friends of the Hauraki Gulf Mama Fish Sanford Limited |
Forest & Bird Revive Our Gulf Auckland City Centre Residents Group Auckland Conservation Board Auckland Council Auckland Sea Kayaks Auckland Sea Shuttles Coromandel Marine Farmers Association Devonport Yacht Club Environmental Defence Society Foundation North Friends of Taputeranga Marine Reserve Trust Goat Island Dive and Snorkel Good Fishing Hahei Residents and Ratepayers Association Leigh Penguin Project Live Ocean Foundation Meadowbank School Marine team Motuora Restoration Society Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust New Zealand Conservation Authority New Zealand Geographic New Zealand Marine Sciences Society Ngāti Hei Ngāti Manuhiri Settlement Trust Ocean Voyages Inc Pakiri Community Landcare Group Pest Free Kaipātiki Ports of Auckland Limited Shakespear Open Sanctuary Society Inc Sir Peter Blake MERC Stet Supporters of Tiritiri Matangi Te Whanau o Pākiri The Friends of Te Whanganui‐A‐Hei Marine Reserve Trust The Glass Bottom Boat Whitianga The Hauraki Gulf Conservation Trust The Hauturu Supporters Trust Tāmaki Estuary Protection Society Tāwharanui Open Sanctuary Society Inc Waiheke Marine Project Waikato Regional Council Wakatere Boating Club Yachting New Zealand |
Most of these submitters were upset about continued bottom impact fishing in the Gulf. Most of the Charter fishers all sent in the same submission. | These submitters indicated support for marine protection but did not express that much support for the proposed measures: | Most of these submitters wanted more protection than what was proposed and also wanted bottom impact fishing banned. |
I have not published the names of many organisations who used the LegaSea form as those submissions contained dramatically less information than those from the above organisations. They were mostly small owner operator companies who are also keen fishers. The big Purse Sein operator Pelco NZ Ltd and Te Ahu wai o Tangaroa sustainable ecological aquaculture did make significant submissions but they did not speak to the protection proposal.
In response to the submissions the Department of Conservation has reduced the amount of protection. Submissions are now open on the Hauraki Gulf / Tīkapa Moana Marine Protection Bill.
P.S. These bottom impact fishing effort maps were made public by Fisheries Inshore NZ and are useful in considering the proposed ‘trawl corridoors’.