This is so gross – documented here for Auckland Councils Pollution Response Team.
Please click on the thumbnails to see the full image.

The Ambiance Impex brands dumped into the stream are all branded Paradise.
When I first noticed the dumping in March and reported it to council the dumping was not so bad.

Even tho this site 120m from the Manukau (West coast of NZ) it flows through the Tamaki Estuary to the Hauraki Gulf (East coast of NZ).
UPDATE: 27 November.
Eight months later and the site is still sending plastic like these Paradise branded ‘cut green beans’ into the harbour. I am giving the council regular updates on the site but I don’t know how much (if any) is being cleaned up by Ambiance Impex or if its just getting washed into the ocean.
UPDATE: 23 Feburary.
Ambiance Impex still show little regard for the environment sending further plastic into the stream.
UPDATE: January 2018.
Happy to report that after constant reporting the business has finally cleaned up their act.