Pt England Reserve

After initially asking the council to fence a gully at Pt England reserve to reduce erosion. I have since found NZ Dotterel and Shore Plover there.

Shore Plover at Point England Reserve
Shore Plover at Point England Reserve

I taked to specialists at the Ornithological Society & DOC. Then today I did a Presentation to the Tamaki Estuary Environmental Forum. Everyone was very excited and wants to help.

Now I need to socialise some designs and forge ahead. It looks like getting permission and $ should be relatively easy.

My Greenhouse

My Mother in law gave me her old plastic greenhouse. Lets see what happens to the 36 little Pohutakawa I just potted. Tho I still have a lot more seedlings to plant out.

Small to big: Pohutakawa, Gooseberries, Passionfruit.
Small to big: Pohutakawa, Gooseberries, Passionfruit.

Gardens for Wildlife

I was really happy to help develop the Gardens for Wildlife brand for Forest & Bird.

Gardens for Wildlife
Gardens for Wildlife

For the launch Jett and I helped about 100 volunteers plant 4,000 trees on millions of dollars of prime real estate in Orakei. Ngati Whatua o Orakei are awesome!

Shaun & Jett
Shaun & Jett

Pest Control Web App

Designs for my Pest Control Web App
Designs for my Pest Control Web App

Whilst trapping is still fun I find the data entry boring and unrewarding. So I have started designing an app for that. I have learnt heaps from talking about it with lots of great people. But I am still trying to understand the whole bio-security business.

Johnstons Reserve

Green Worm

Whilst planting about 500 trees and plants at Johnstons Reserve this morning we kept finding these very green earthworms. They bunched up instead of wriggling around like regular earthworms. I hope to get a good ID on NatureWatch

Island Planting

Karaka planted on this small island
Karaka planted on this small island

Fist tree out of my Nursary is a Karaka that accidentally sprouted in my Garden a few years ago. I planted it on this little ‘Island’ near Wai o Taiki Bay. Hopefully it helps hold it together.

Pest Control


After being trained to do pest control for Auckland Council. I have joined the Selwyn Bush roster (only 14 traps sites). The people at Conservation Volunteers seem to do a lot to help but I should help them make a web app as the data entry is pretty painful. 

My Nursery


1 Karaka Trees (grown from urban seed)

2 Karaka Trees (grown from urban seed)
3 Locquet Trees (grown from urban seed)
10 Carex Lessoniana (bought – will divide)
8 Passionfruit plants (grown from stray seedlings)
1000 Pohutakawa seeds (grown from local seeds)

16 Pear Trees (cloned from urban source)
6 Pohutakawa Trees (cloned from urban source)

10 Puriri Trees (Wai O Taki Bay seed)
30 Cabage Trees (urban seed)
10 Nikau Trees (Maungatapere seeds)
10 xxx? Trees (Maungatapere seeds)
12 Karaka Trees (Mt Wellington seed)